Peterson and Murdock win Round 1 of the BME in Nebo Arkansas

Wild weekend out at Mt Nebo, Arkansas for the opening round of the Big Mountain Enduro series. Colton Peterson and Porsha Murdock both took the win over the weekend. Plenty of challenges with mother nature throwing curve balls all week but the Team persevered and came out on top after Saturdays racing. Unfortunately, Sundays stages had to be cancelled due to severe weather.  Regardless a great way of kicking off the season for everyone!

Colton Peterson

I wasn’t really vibing with the tracks when I got here and was pretty frustrated during the two practice days. But come race day I had a clear mind and was more nervous than I usually am which allowed me to focus more on track.

Porsha Murdock

Similar to Colton, I was having a hard time finding a groove during practice. The conditions were all over the place and it was really hard to find where you could push and where you had to be more conservative. After practice Friday I stopped trying to control everything and decided to just roll with it more and it seemed to help a lot. Happy I was able to put down some solid runs and hit the lines I planned on.

Words From The Rest Of The Team

Keller: Unfortunate weather conditions however I am motivated to do well the rest of the season. I feel like I was on track to pull back some spots but due to the weather and the Sunday stages being canceled I didn’t get that chance.

Cody: The result on the weekend wasn’t exactly what we were looking for, but I was happy with how I rode in tough muddy conditions. I’ve struggled in the mud at times in the past so it felt good to have some competitive times on a couple of stages this weekend. Was bummed not be able to keep giving it my best shot on Sunday, that said it adding to the hunger for next weekend!

Max: Rough start to the first day but finished strong. Bummed I couldn’t improve on that for Sunday. 

Up next is Round 2 of the BME series this weekend in Windrock TN!